The Sims is a popular franchise.‚ No, The Sims is an incredibly popular franchise.‚ No, still not strong enough.‚ The Sims is so popular and hyped that Electronic Arts is invading urban areas and plastering buildings and billboards with the logo of the famed franchise, most notably and grandiosely in the mecca of all advertisement onslaught locales, Times Square.
Clearly Electronic Arts is excited about The Sims 3 and is making damn sure you are too well before the June 2nd launch of the title.‚ Aiming to separate itself from pervious iterations, The Sims 3 offers new personalities, destinies, locations inviting you to leave the house, breathe in the fresh air and live your life.
Check out the screens in the gallery of The Sims 3 incredible advertising campaign going on right now.
via The Simmers Club Forums.
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