From the moment President Obama first promised his two young daughters a puppy, many Obama supporters have been waiting patiently for the first puppy to arrive.

Speculation the past few months was that the girls would get either a labradoodle or a Portugese Water Dog – the main criteria of the dog would be that it needed to hypoallergenic, and they preferred it to be a shelter dog.

The dog, or puppy rather, first reported by a website First Dog Charlie, was picked up by TMZ on Saturday April, 11.

The Washington Post reported that the big unveiling of the dog would be Tuesday morning, though the first pictures were leaked by the First Dog Charlie website. Throughout March through the DC news networks, rumor had it the puppy was a gift, rumor had it that the New York Times was promised the first puppy exclusive, later to be obtained by the Washington Post. Rumor has it that the Portuguese Water Dog loving Kennedy family is giving the gift of puppy to the Obama’s, however, the Senator’s office is keeping mum on the issue.

The puppy is six months old and was named “Bo” by Obama’s daughters Sasha and Malia who have already begun planning the responsibilities of owning a dog. This dog will be the first pet not only for the two young daughters, but for President and Mrs. Obama, neither of whom grew up with pets.

Regardless of the rumors, the first puppy is on the move, and is on its way to make a splash at the White House in the coming days.

About The Author

Heidi Buchanan is the Blast Magazine Washington reporter

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