Killzone 2, the epic and awe inspiring FPS from Guerilla Games has been released, praised, criticized, and admired by fans everywhere, but we are a testy bunch.‚ Give a gamer a game, and he’ll probably want some more.‚ All corny, children’s book references aside, DLC in any game is what determines the important aspect of longevity.
So it comes as no surprise that Guerilla Games officially announced an impending multiplayer DLC release scheduled to release at the end of the month.
Revealed on GameTrailers TV early this morning, the Steel & Titanium Pack, features two multiplayer environments, Wasteland Bullet and Vekta Cruiser and aims to keep the fan base blowing each other’s heads off over the PSN.
Watch the GameTrailers TV segment here, which also reveals what Nintendo has planned for E3, the aforesaid KZ2 DLC, Peter Molyneux’s official take on “See the Future,”‚ and the first, exclusive BioShock 2 gameplay!
Wondering if Killzone 2 is right for you?‚ Read on in-depth review of the hell-bent shooter here.
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