Your every day friendly video game retailer GameStop is having a spring sale specifically on new titles and while the list is mostly lacking in the quality department, a certain PlayStation 3 role playing game, available for 50% off is attractive enough to whet the thirstiest gamers’ appetite.

Valkyria Chronicles, the PS3 exclusive RPG/strategy game received a very high metacritic score yet only sold a trifle over 370,000 copies worldwide.‚  Valkyria is what we call a “sleeper” title.‚  Maybe the marketing was transparent or none of your friends played it, but two wrongs don’t make a right, do they?

As part of GameStop’s annual GameDays sale, starting tomorrow April 5th and running the whole month, Valkyria Chronicles will have its selling price reduced by one half all the way down to $29.99, hardly a lofty figure for the length of gameplay and satisfaction such a game incurs.

The list is sparse but if you’ve been on the prowl for super easy buffed gamerscore, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith’s price has been dropped to $9.99, thus possibly justifying the investment if you desire some sweet emotion.

Full list of titles at Cheap College Gamers.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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