Scrubs star Zach Braff appeared‚ on Jimmy Kimmel Live March 25 and discussed the upcoming porn parody of the‚ hit ABC television show that made him famous.

The porn take-off on Scrubs is being produced by New Sensations.‚ Directed by Lee Roy Myers, the newcomer who also helmed the company’s‚ latest hit, The Office: A XXX Parody, the movie stars contract girl‚ Ashlynn Brooke, Thea Marie, Shane Diesel, Jack Lawrence, James Deen and Ralph Long.

Other members of the Scrubs: A XXX Parody cast include Alexis Texas,‚ Joanna Angel, Tori Black and Missy Stone.

“Scrubs’ is being made into a movie,” Braff said on Kimmel’s‚ late-night talk show on ABC. “I wouldn’t get too excited – it’s a‚ porno movie.” After the crowd cheered wildly, Braff exclaimed, “They‚ got more excited! Someone sent this to me, this is not a joke. They‚ are making ‘Scrubs’ into a triple-X porno. On the web they showed the porn stars that are playing each one of us.”

Braff and Kimmel then went through some cast photos and the porn stars‚ that are playing them.

“This girl’s gonna be Sarah [Chalke, who plays Dr. Elliot Reid on the‚ show],” Braff said, holding up a picture of Ashlynn Brooke. “I think‚ it’s a good match.”

Braff’s porn doppelganger, James Deen, elicited the most applause. “My‚ guy looks like there’s nothing the director would say that he’d be,‚ like, ‘Nah, dude, I’m not doing that.'”

The release date for Scrubs: A XXX Parody is May 18.

About The Author

Bessie King is a Blast contributing editor. She can be reached at [email protected]

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