Who cares about high definition or surround sound?‚ Remember the days of 8-bit gaming, when visuals and audio looked and sounded stunning?‚ Nintendo remembers and sees fit that you do too with digital additions to the Wii Shop Channel this week featuring vintage-styled titles.
BIT.TRIP.BEAT (600 Wii Points. WiiWare) is a unique music rhythm game that combines classic arcade-style game-play with retro inspired art, featuring 8-bit and Chiptune music with 4 player co-op multiplayer.‚ Sounds like a million elements fused together, but I was lucky enough to get my hands on the title at Comic Con and the end result is a truly exceptional yet odd music experience that I really enjoyed.
Summer Games 2 (500 Wii Points.‚ Virtual Console) is a horse of a totally different color that replicates the summer Olympics experience through a handful of diverse athletic competitions to partake in, up to eight player functionality, and the ability to choose from 18 countries to compete as in the 3,000 year old contest.‚ Originally designed for the Commodore 64, Summer Games 2 will fill that track and field void of yours until 2012, when you know, you can watch the real thing.
For more information on BIT.TRIP.BEAT head on over to the official site.
Wow! I just downloaded Bit.Trip and I had no idea what to expect. So far I think the music is great it looks like nothing I have seen (in a good way) and the last hour just ripped away from me. Super fun… thumbs up!