In case you forgot, Resident Evil 5, the latest iteration in the famed series launched Friday.‚  March 13th happened to be the second Friday the 13th in two months.‚  Eerie, I know, but nevertheless, Capcom announced some extravagant figures today continuing to sing Resident Evil’s praises.

Resident Evil 5, a title marred by criticism but complete with stunning visuals and epic game-play, has shipped 4 million units globally to gamers, Capcom announced today.‚  The word shipped is different than sold, in that they are merely out there, waiting on shelves.‚  Furthermore, the demo was downloaded a staggering 4 million times.

What is the culmination of Capcom’s great development and marketing efforts?‚  The largest first shipment of any title for the series to date.

Capcom, as you may know employs the “Single Contents Multiple Usage” strategy in which their games are spread into many markets, cell phone games, publications, movies, and glorious merchandise we all love so much.

The three Resident Evil films have amassed more than 300 million in sales to date, and the CG movie, “Degeneration” has sold over 1.5 million copies, not too shabby at all.

Resident Evil 5 has received solid review ratings from a diverse spread of establishments so it would not be crazy to see sales figures climb closer and closer to the number shipped.

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About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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