Do you want to hear former U.S. President George W. Bush speak? Probably not. But Australian celebrity agent Max Markson thinks the people of Australia might. That’s why he’s planning to bring the 43rd president down under, and charge $650 a head and $6,500 per table, to hear W. talk.

Markson has already organized speaking tours for #41 George H. W. Bush and #42 Bill Clinton.

“I think it is right I should also get number 43 out here,” said Markson.

The agent said he’s confident Aussies would shell out the money to see Bush, because he sat in the Oval Office during one of the most difficult times in U.S. history.‚ 

Markson also said he’d like for former U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza‚ Rice to join Bush, possibly further down the road.‚ “I could arrange for them to come as a package, but I think Condoleezza is a star in her own right,” he said.

I don’t think people will avoid the talk because they hate Bush, the simple fact that so many believe he’s the worst president ever (which he’s really not, but he did suck) might draw a large crowd. The price is hefty though, $1000 AUD per head and $10000 AUD per table, but there’s obviously enough wealthy Australians to fill the seats.

The talk is planned for next year. The nature of the talk wasn’t specified by Markson, but if it’s in any way “motivational” it’ll be a bust.

About The Author

Sachin Seth is the Blast Magazine world news reporter. He writes the Terra blog. You can visit his website at or follow him on twitter @sachinseth

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