NEW YORK – Eli Szasz and Aaron Rasmussen created the perfect gamer invention in 2007 – an energy drink worth two Red Bulls packed in a potion-shaped bottle and titled “Mana.” It doesn’t get any better than that.

Now, a year after their initial release of the “Mana Energy Potion,” Szasz and Rasmussen introduced their new “Health Energy Potion,” a companion to “Mana,” at New York Comic-con.

The guys were nice enough to let me test a bottle of each of the energy drinks. Both are about a shot’s worth of liquid. “Mana” is blue and has a sour, berry flavor while “Health” is red and is flavored apple-cinnamon.

The “Mana” potion was probably the best thing that happened to me during the entire Con. Blast cohort Kellen Rice and I split a bottle after the “Up” screening and started manablue1talking about 100 miles per hour in less than five minutes. While the initial boost of energy eventually died down, we remained coherent and aware for the rest of the night after an exhausting day and little sleep the night before.

Because I cannot do justice to how the “Mana” and “Health” potions were described in their press release, I will just quote directly from it:

“While Mana Energy Potion gets you pumped up for a fight, quest or adventure, Health Energy Potion restores you after battle so you can get back into the heat of the action.”

healthpotionreal1Rasmussen described the new “Health” potion to me as a gradual boost of energy spread out over a five to eight hour period. “Mana” packs an initial burst of energy (that Zac Turgeon had to listen to while he, Kellen and I had dinner at a nearby pizza joint) and then levels out for the same length of time.

“Health” might work well for gamers, who need a continuous flow of energy to stay awake. But for a quick pick-me-up, “Health” didn’t make too much of a difference, and maybe it was just the exhausted state I was in, but I didn’t feel much more aware after the bottle of “Health” that I drank.

“Mana” combines a variety of vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12 and Pantothenic Acid with their own special “energy potion” and enzyme blend to come up with their drink. “Health” uses Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 and adds Elderberry, ginseng, biotin and folic acid to make a constant flow of energy.

Each potion is 25 calories and contains 1.69 ounces of liquid.

The potions are $3.45 a bottle and can be purchased at Hot Topic, or at the webstore.

About The Author

Terri Schwartz was a Blast Contributing Editor from 2008-2009.

One Response

  1. Kellen Rice

    Hahahaha! You didn’t mention how it cured my headache, although that really can’t be proven I suppose. We seriously need to stock up on this stuff. 🙂


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