As part of the breaking news coverage of the sudden attacks that took place today in Mumbai, India, Blast has received webcasts from the South Asian Journalists Association who covered these events via live blog talk radio.
Suketu Mehta, author of “Maximum City: Bombay Lost & Found,” Madhu Bhatia Jha, US correspondent for the Indian network Star News and Smriti Mundhra, a NYC-based filmmaker calling from Mumbai and is five blocks from attacks, are sharing their acounts from the attacks which began at 1 a.m., time of India.
Mundhra also explained that, “Its total chaos over here. Army and navy have been called in to assist police. The attackers are everywhere-in hotels, on the streets, in vans. They are firing indiscriminately.”
Blast will continue covering these events.
This is strange that contradictory reports are everywhere on Indian TV. There is contradiction in claims, number of terrorist and present situation. Where responsible position like C.M of State declared something else- same moment, some TV channel is beaming real coverage which is opposite to the claims.
What I feel after watching good 7 hrs of footage – that there had been talks with terrorits which everyone denis on camera but sources of TV crew confirms that talks were ON and there was contact.
I feel that terrorists will be given safe passsage later tonight as they have rich and famous as hostage and many havee got killed by them to send note that they mean real business.
Once again, Indian political plans have been proved wrong and unpractical as now when nationality is confirmed- everyone is claiming that Pakistan is also suffering along with India. No one felt that if USA can not do anything about terror- India has enough power to handle on it’s own.
Problem is will power which is no where im sight.
Hold on for couple of hrs. and you will see politicians hoping in and making claims.