Obama wins!‚ This is history!
Various media outlets are projected an Obama victory with 297 electoral college votes and the certainty of more to come!
As a nation, the U.S. will be brought closer by this victory.‚ It’s truly unbelievable, an African-American president with the majority of votes in the U.S.
You offer hope to a generation who had no place to find it before you came along.‚ Thank you.
Congratulations to President Barack Obama from all of us at Blast Magazine.‚ We knew you’d do it!
The truth is in the progress.
I want you to know that I was one of the people in the early voting line. But I also want to know, why is it a person that is on disability as I am. It is hard for me to get insurance because I am bipolar and large componies, think that we should be thankful for allowing poor people to use their such as comcast. And there is another thing the credit check componies, need to check themselves. Haven’t we suffer enough, I know that I have. One of my meds cost 225.00, I only get 1,700.00, (I know that some people don’t get that amount), I didn’t want to stay on disability. I tried to go back to work, I was denied because I am one of those people that is black balled on a job. I need a answer, why is it so hard living in the United State of America!