Sen. John McCain’s campaign announced he will participate in tonight’s debate against rival presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.
The 90-minute showdown starts at 9 p.m. eastern in Oxford, Mississippi.
This was of course bound to happen. Postponing his campaign was a mistake and there was no way McCain could have missed this, one of the most important political nights of his career. If you hound a guy to debate for months, no matter what is going on, when the time comes, debate him.
This debate couldn’t have come at a better time. The economy is in worse shape than even Alan Greenspan has admitted ever seeing it. People are searching for answers after a less than mediocre address by the president. They want to know how one of these two men will repair the irrefutable damage inflicted upon our economy during the past eight years. I know I do.
Tonight’s debate, the first of three, will focus on foreign policy. Of course, the economy will be thrown into the mix. They should discuss it on a more grandiose scale than just national, it’ll be about how America’s economy stacks up against other foreign powers and whether or not this country is still the best place to invest, and if not, how one of these men will right that wrong.
It’s going to be one hell of a show, watching Obama and McCain finally go head-to-head after months of insults and accusations.
Which brings me to my last point, the questions. If you could ask Obama or McCain any question, what would it be?
And in response to the first comment, I didn’t say it ALL happened in the last eight, I said damage has been done DURING the last eight. And I didn’t say it was just the republicans.
Your one sighted position that this was all caused in the last years shows how little you either know about the economy or previous Presidents. Being a moderate and in the housing industry, I can tell you the Democrats have been pushing for years that everyone should own a home. I even bought into that theory, which turns out to be very wrong. This thought process lead to easy credit, little oversight, greed and everyone (demo as well as republican at fault
Bad theory, can cause bad disaster. If you wish to debate, I have been in the real estate industry for 25 years, have run a small but successful commercial/residential development business. So, unless you are in expert in the field I would suggest you look more closely into how the crisis began and the theory of home ownership which has lead us to this place in time.
This comment I have made in all due respect to everyone having an opinion, but you should get the facts straight, before indirectly blaming the administration. Take a look at the record of Barney Franks, Senator Chris Dodd and the rest of the Demos who had a hand in this too.