Automattic, the company behind WordPress, has purchased the advanced next-generation web commenting system IntenseDebate for an undisclosed sum.
This is a big move for WordPress, which has been looking for a new commenting system for a while and seems to have found it finally.
In a blog post on their website, IntenseDebate describes the deal and what it means for the product.
1. We will be temporarily going back into private beta. This won’t affect our current users, but new installs will require an invite code. This is just to give us a little time to ramp up the hardware and get our ducks in a row as we join the Automattic team.
2. You’ll be seeing IntenseDebate a lot more often. We’re really excited about the distribution possibilities this opens up, so expect to see our comment system and use your IntenseDebate profile on a lot more blogs.
3. You can look forward to tighter integration with some of the other Automattic joints including‚ Akismet‚ and‚ Gravatar.
The next major release of WordPress, version 2.7, will be the first implementation of the popular blogging and content management system to incorporate the IntenseDebate features, which include threaded commenting, user reputation, comment analytics and better administrative tracking of comments than WordPress’ current system.
WordPress is the system that powers Blast Magazine.
When WordPress 2.7 is released, we will first install it on a test server, then begin to integrate it into our outside blogs first, testing for bugs and incompatibilities with Blast-specific features like our custom popup galleries, before we install it on the main magazine.
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