Stealth Electronics/Wow-Pen claims you will instantly notice the difference between an ordinary mouse and their new Joy Ergonomic Mouse — like writing with a pen or a hearty handshake.

It looks like a sex toy for your hand.

“Ergonomic style allows your arm to extend from the side of the body, which is natural to our posture. It places no stress on the wrist, by allowing your hand to rest along the bottom of your palm, or a thumbs-up position,” the company said in a statement recently.

“The JOY mouse allows your arm and wrist to rest naturally on its side, rather than twisting your hand and wrist over to be ‘palms down,’ as with a traditional mouse. By allowing the wrist and arm to function in a natural position, you alleviate carpal tunnel strain, reduce fatigue, and increase productivity.”

The Joy Mouse is $39.99. Get some online or the old fashioned way, by calling 770-591-1441.

About The Author

John Guilfoil is the editor-in-chief of Blast: Boston's Online Magazine and the Blast Magazine Network. He can be reached at [email protected]. Tweet @johnguilfoil.

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