People need to get a life. When you get to the point when you hate smack talk so much that you have to kill someone, you deserve whatever punishment you receive. Ivonne Hernandez, 43, is about to find out exactly what that punishment is. Hernandez answered some “Yankees suck” chants outside a New Hampshire bar by running Matthew Beaudoin down with her car and killing him.

“She never braked, and she accelerated at a high speed for about 200 feet. She went directly at this group of people,” prosecutor Susan Morrell said of Ivonne Hernandez, who is charged with reckless second-degree murder in the death of Beaudoin, 29.

“She indicated to police that she wanted to scare this group of people. She thought they would get out of the way,” Morrell said.

Well, they didn’t. Arrested on the scene, Hernandez admitted that she was drinking, but refused a breath-alcohol test. The charges include aggravated drunken driving and she has being held without bail.

About The Author

Micah Warren is a sports writer from New York and the founder of Blast's sports section and the Off the Record sports blog.

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