Calgary-based Peapod Toys has released a children’s MP3 player called the SweetPea3. It’s a fully-functional, yet remarkably simply music device that plays 256MB of MP3 or WMA audio.
The SweetPea3 is battery-operated with an A/C adapter for charging/plugged-in use. It’s meant to be used by ages 0-8 — school age children, toddlers and even infants.
“MP3 technology makes perfect sense in a child’s music player. With no moving parts, small parts or removable media, an extremely robust music player can be built and safely given to children of all ages, including kids under three,” said Peapod Toys President Dan Lemay in a statement earlier this week. “Every feature, and absence of feature, has been carefully designed with the child in mind,” Lemay said.
These “child-centered” features include the simple three button operation, hidden parental volume control, easy to carry size and hanging ring and the absence of a power switch or removable media.
Amazingly enough, it will run for about 40 hours on a single AA battery. The exterior is made of food-grade rubber, and the device syncs via USB.
“The SweetPea3 boasts a great sense of style, appealing to stylish parents and children who seem to be naturally drawn to “real” electronic devices,” the company said. “The customer feedback indicates that this personal kid’s music player has become the constant companion of many children in their daily routine.”
The player ships with pre-installed children’s music and stories from award winning artists Susie Tallman and Jim Weiss.
The SweetPea3 comes in blue and pinkish purple and can be ordered online for $89.95.
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