This just in to the Blast Magazine Newsroom from our Senior Gaming Reporter, Bradley Ouellette:
If you have Rock Band, you’d probably like to get a second Guitar. Well looks like, for the Playstation 3 at least, you won’t ever be able to use the Guitar Hero 3 Guitar.
Harmonix made a patch for Rock Band that they submitted to Sony to be released December 4. The patch was approved by Sony, but before it could be released, Activision objected to the patch, and Sony is now not releasing it.
Harmonix is the company that originally made the Guitar Hero Series, but later sold the rights to Guitar Hero 3 to Activision. Harmonix wants the guitars to be completely compatible with all games and open. They have offered to give other game companies the specs behind their guitars and help in supporting them.
We will have a full report on this story later on. Stay tuned!
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