Day One is a true historical drama set during WWII’s Manhattan Project to build the first atomic bomb. The film was originally produced in 1989 and features a stacked cast that includes Brian Dennehy, David Strathairn, Michael Tucker and Tony Shalhoub.
It is one of the most compelling tellings of the dawn of the nuclear age I have ever seen. Day One is a long-form movie, just under two and a half hours, but the story pulls you in while the brilliant acting keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even though you already know how the movie ends (the atomic bombing of Japan) Day One finds a way to make the material fessh.
You do have to be ready for a history lesson. This isn’t an action, shoot-em up movie, but Day One tells this true story amazingly. This is a historical drama without any sense of bias. All sides are told and the humanity of the major players is evident throughout. The film tells the story of the decision to build and drop the Atomic bomb and the level of thought and debate that went into the decisions on all sides.
If you enjoy Day One and other long-form historical dramas, look out for Space Race, which picks up where Day One leaves off.
Day One will be available on DVD November 13.
Quick hits
Director: Joseph Sargent
Staring: Brian Dennehy, David Strathairn, Michael Tucker, Hume Cronyn, Richard Dysart
Rating: NR
Distributor: Acorn Media
Release Date: November 13, 2007
Run Time: 140 minutes
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