Hothead Games announced today that Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, will include an original song by nerdcore rapper MC Frontalot.
“Penny Arcade and MC Frontalot have a longstanding friendship,” said Vlad Ceraldi, Hothead’s president in a statement today. “Frontalot’s ‘Penny Arcade Theme’ has become a nerdcore classic, and we’re sure his new song will be an awesome addition to ‘On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.'”
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One is the first title in the downloadable Penny Arcade Adventures series for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system. Early this year it was announced that popular game designer, Ron Gilbert would collaborate on the game’s production.
“MC Frontalot is the stage name of Damian Hess, a musician and author currently based in Brooklyn,” Hothead said in a statement. “In late 1999, Damian pioneered the subgenre of rap music called nerdcore hip-hop, a movement that has metastasized into an internet phenomenon.” Frontalot is also the official rapper of Penny Arcade.
About Hothead Games
Below is a video from MC Frontalot, courtesy of Michael Meyers Public Relations. We also threw in the latest game trailer for good measure.
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