More than 87 percent of the near 200,000 who cast their vote on voted democrat, putting their hopes behind Sen. Barack Obama as leader of the free world.

The goal of the independent site is to see who global citizens would elect if they were eligible November 4. The site, developed by “three guys from Iceland” has one rule; each computer can only vote once.

So far voters have cast their ballots from 190 countries. From Iraq to Vanatu, from Malawi to the French Polynesia, citizens from 190 countries care about the fate of this election.

Is this global interest a testament to how good the candidates are or how bad the current administration is? That answer is pretty obvious.

The interest does make sense though, America’s foreign policy agenda is perhaps the most important in the world. That makes the country’s leader one of the most powerful and as we’ve recently seen, one of the most capable of doing more harm than good.

Only two countries have voted in majority for McCain and the republicans. The two countries, Macedonia and Burkina Faso, have less than 400 votes combined.

It’s not too surprising that Obama is leading this voting base by a landslide, many of them may not know the domestic issues that plague America so the split isn’t as close as it is in the U.S.

Obama also boasts celebrity status in many countries because he’s an advocate for change and walking symbol of progress and the American dream.

We’ll see if the gap lessens as the election closes in.

About The Author

Sachin Seth is the Blast Magazine world news reporter. He writes the Terra blog. You can visit his website at or follow him on twitter @sachinseth

2 Responses

  1. Angelo Villagomez

    Recheck the votes for the Northern Mariana Islands. I am an American voter living here. I’ve already voted for Barack. The results of that poll should be fixed now. Only two countries are in favor of a McCain presidency now.


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